Saasu Maa’s Bahu No:1 ArHana Aliya TS Part 1

Saasu Maa’s Bahu No:1 (Mother in law’s daughter in law No:1)Part 1


I always wanted Shahana to tame Aliya like a smart daughter in law like we saw in Jamai Raja,Mappilai and Mr.Marumakan.In these movies it was the son in law versus Mother in law.But here it will be Shahana vs Aliya.



Saasu Maa’s Bahu No:1 (Mother in law’s daughter in law No:1)Part 1


I always wanted Shahana to tame Aliya like a smart daughter in law like we saw in Jamai Raja,Mappilai and Mr.Marumakan.In these movies it was the son in law versus Mother in law.But here it will be Shahana vs Aliya.


Aryan showed flowers to Shahana and said:Shahana,we kept fighting all the time.But we are close friends.But I realized that our relationship is more than friendship.I love you Shahana.
Shahana:There is a lot of difference between you and me.You are very rich.I am poor.You have a nice family.But I am an orphan.

Aryan got irritated.

Aryan:Oh come on Shahana..I don’t care about it.

Shahana:Let me complete what I want to say Aryan.Though there are differences between us,I don’t care.Because there are no such barriers in love.I love you too.

Aryan was relieved and happy.

She took flowers from him and embraced him.



Aryan’s mother Aliya got angry when Aryan told her about Shahana.

Aliya:Are you mad Aryan?Shahana does’nt suit you.You marry Mishti.

Aryan:Mom,I know who suits me and Shahana is the best for me.Don’t force me.

Aliya got irritated.

But she pretended to smile.

Aliya:Ok..your wish.

Aryan became very happy:Thank you so much mom.I knew that you will support us.

Aliya faked a smile on her face.



Aliya met Shahana.

Shahana smiled:Aliya aunty!

Aliya showed her a cheque.

Aliya:Take this.I am giving you a big amount of money which you can’t even dream of getting.But in return,you leave my son.

Shahana smiled and took the cheque from her.

Aliya smirked.




Aryan cried before Aliya.

Aliya thought:I know why Aryan is crying.But I should pretend as if I don’t know anything.

Aliya:What happened Aryan?

Aryan:Mom,Shahana broke up with me.She said she is bored of me.

Aliya:How dare she say like that about my perfect son?I told you that she does’nt suit you.She is a gold digger.

Aryan:I am sorry mom.

Aliya:It’s ok Aryan.You marry Mishti.Mishti is your best friend Ranbir’s sister.She is your

childhood friend too.She matches our status.

Aryan:I will marry her for you mom.

Aliya became very happy.



Aryan stood on the mandap.Mishti stood near him with her veiled face.

Aryan-Mishti got married.

Mishti removed her veil.

Aliya was shocked as it was Shahana.

Aliya:What is this?

Shahana:Saasu Maa,what did you think of me?You thought if you offer me money,I will sacrifice my Aryan?Never.No money is more important than Aryan for me.

Aliya got irritated as she felt cheated.

Aliya:You cheater!You took a big amount of money and betrayed me?I didn’t give you that money to enjoy.

Shahana:I don’t take money free for myself.I donated that money to the NGO for which I work.

Aryan:I am proud of you Shahana.

She smiled.

Aryan:This is why I like Shahana. She is a woman with self respect.And mom…are you not ashamed of offering money to Shahana to leave me?Don’t you want your son to be happy?

Aliya:She is not your real happiness Aryan.And you also fooled your mother Aryan.You pretended to have cheated by Shahana and agreed to marry Mishti.

Aryan:I fooled you,because you tried to fool me by removing Shahana from my life without my knowledge. And according to you,if not Shahana, who is my real happiness?

Aliya:Mishti.But …

Mishti’s mom Pallavi:Where is my Mishti?Did you hide her somewhere to marry your love?

Aryan:No.Mishti is my friend who understands me very well.So she supported us by leaving.And Pallavi aunty..  you know very well that Mishti loves Abir,not me.

Pallavi was embarrassed while Aliya was shocked.

Aliya:What?Mishti loves someone else and you hid it from Pallavi?I didn’t hide about Aryan and Shahana from you.Infact I even told you that I separated them.But you…

Pallavi was embarrassed.

Suddenly Mishti arrived with her brother Ranbir and her husband Abir.Mishti and Abir were in the wedding costume.All were shocked.

Pallavi:Mishti!What is this?You married without our knowledge?

Abir and Mishti looked down as they were not able to face them.

Ranbir:Mom.. don’t scold her.You did a bad thing by forcing Mishti to marry the person she doesn’t love.Aryan too doesn’t love her.So I got them married in the temple.

Pallavi:How could you do this to your own mom ?

Pallavi’s husband Vikram:You hurt our daughter very much Pallo.That’s why she had to do this.Like a good brother Ranbir also helped her.Anyways they got married.Leave your ego and bless them Pallavi.

Pallavi:Yes.After all Mishti is my daughter.

Abir and Mishti smiled emotionally.

Ranbir smiled:I am glad that finally mummy accepted Mishti and Abir.

Mishti and Abir touched the feet of Vikram and Pallavi.Vikram blessed them while Pallavi blessed them with hesitation.

Aryan looked at Aliya:Mom…even Mishti and Abir are accepted by Pallavi aunty.Now please forgive us and accept Shahana.Atleast now you must have understood that Shahana is the one who loves me.Right?

Aliya smiled.

Aliya:Yes,I realized that Shahana is the one who loves you.So I will accept her as my daughter in law.

Aryan and Shahana became very happy.

Aryan:Thank you mom.

Edit credit goes to my friend Rehana.

Aryan hugged Aliya.

Aliya blessed Aryan and Shahana.Then Aliya hugged Shahana.

Aliya whispered in her ear:You married my son.But don’t think that you won.I will never let you both be one.

Shahana became dull.

She thought:Saasu Maa was pretending to have accepted me to fool Aryan.Poor Aryan is so happy thinking that his mom accepted me.Sad!


Aliya mixed sleeping pills in the glass of milk kept for Aryan and Shahana for their first night.The maid gave the milk to Aryan and Shahana.Aliya smirked.



The next morning,Shahana came to the drawing room where Aliya was sitting and drinking milk shake.

Shahana:Good morning Saasu Maa…

Aliya:Good morning Bahu..

Aliya asked in a sarcastic tone:

How was your first night?I know that nothing happened. I told you that I will not let you both to be one.

Shahana smiled.


Flash back…

Shahana:Aryan,do you like milk?I don’t like it.I am sorry,I can’t drink it.

Aryan:Then don’t drink it.I don’t believe in such rituals.Since you are not drinking milk,I am also not drinking milk.

Shahana smiled.

Aryan held her hand and they looked at each other intensely.

Aryan and Shahana came closer and romanced.



Shahana:At the wedding venue itself you gave me a clue that you will do something to spoil our first night.Thanks for that Saasu Maa.Because of that I had guessed that you spiked the milk.So I lied to Aryan purposefully that I hate milk.So he also skipped milk.Thus our first night passed successfully.

Aliya was shocked.

Shahana:Are you shocked Saasu Maa?Then there is one more shock for you.I kept that milk in the fridge.The maid prepared milk shake for you with that milk.That means you just drank the milk which was mixed with the sleeping pill by you yourself.

Aliya was shocked and got angry.

Aliya:You …

Suddenly Aliya felt drowsy and slept off.

Shahana giggled:Poor Saasu Maa!

Aryan came there.

Aryan:Why is mom sleeping now?Is she not well?

Shahana:She is completely fine Aryan.I had talked to her sometime ago.She is tired as she was busy making the wedding arrangements.That’s why she is sleeping.

Aryan:Oh…let her take rest then.



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