Sherdil Shergill 3rd November 2022 Written Episode Update: Anisha demands a DNA test of Raj and Anmol

Sherdil Shergill 3rd November 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Mr Yadav asks what Anisha wants to say, she informs she is talking about getting the DNA test of Raj and that child, Mr Yadav instructs them to pick up the child however Manmeet stands in front warning them to not touch her child.

Some time earlier the mother in law of Gunjan is showing the photos to Mr Chopra explaining Raj performed the Gantbandhan of her son and Gunjan, Manmeet tries to clarify that it was all just a mistake, the mother in law tries to call Mr Yadav who questions what is she trying to say when they are not ready to listen to anyone, Manmeet questions why is she talking in a high voice with her mother, Manmeet clarifies that she did this act because they were scared that if the truth about her child comes out then the wedding might be called off so she requested Raj to help him.

Mr Ghopra exclaims they cannot slow the milk which has a file in it, he turns to leave when Mr Yadav explains they have known each other since their struggling days so why is he behaving like this, he apologizing to all the guests explains that the dinner has been served in the lawn so they can go and have it, Anisha stops explaining nothing would be sorted with his actions or that of her father, she exclaims she is the only one who deserves to know the truth, Anisha turning to Raj explains she has liked him ever since she saw him and wanted to marry him but after what has happened today she cannot let it go so easily, and doesnot know who to trust, Raj replies he doesnot have to prove it because this is the truth, Anisha assures she can forgive all of his mistakes and can accept that he is not married but how can she believe he is not the father of this child, Raj tries to convince her when she demands he needs to prove it which makes everyone suspicious, Anisha explains she wants to have a DNA test between Raj and this child, this is the only way they would be able to prove if Raj is actually the father of this child.

Manmeet is stunned hearing this, she is left baffled and not able to say anything, Manmeet questions what Anisha is saying, they should get a DNA test of Anmol. Mr Yadav asks Manmeet to calm down, questioning Radha what this test is, he informs that this test would prove who the father of this child is and if it is negative then Raj is not the father, Mr Yadav agrees to it explaining that they would surely get the test done as they must prove his son is not the father. Mr Yadav asks Murari to take the child, he starts walking towards Anmol but Manmeet stops him from touching her son, Manmeet mentions if she is not saying anything then it doesnot mean they have the right to put a claim over her son as this is not a joke. Manmeet exclaims she has been humiliated a lot but they donot have the right to get the DNA test of her son. Manmeet asks her father and mother to come since they have made a mistake, Raj stops Manmeet, but she replies he should first talk to his family.

Mr Yadav stops Raj explaining no one has asked for his opinion, he asks Manmeet what is this behavior and why is she screaming since they are just going to take her son for a simple test after which the blame which is being placed on her would end, Manmeet exclaims the engagement is of his son, and Raj’s ex-girlfriend left after blaming him while his Fiance wants to get a DNA so why is she being blamed, Nirali questions Manmeet why is she talking to Mr Yadav in such a way as she should not forget that she is in this place because of Mr Yadav, Nirali blames Manmeet for being the reason to their problems explaining she is the one who took Raj to the wedding of her sister after which this problem started.

Raj tries to ask her mother to stop but she gets angry saying he came to defend his father when Mr Chopra raised his voice however is not saying anything in front of Manmeet, Rajkumar explains if he is quiet it doesnot mean he is not angry. Manmeet replies to Nirali that if she is blaming her for what is happening today, she must inform her how they have already paid a very big price for the act and they both were told it is in their best interest to not keep in touch, she refused to attend the calls of Rajkumar but she was forcefully called to this engagement and even the IN LAWS of Gunjan were invited so why is she being questioned. Manmeet advises Raj to do something that everyone would believe but not drag Anmol in this matter.

The in laws of Gunjan ask Manmeet what they should think out of it, she asks if Manmeet and Raj are really married or who is the father of Anmol. Manmeet explains that Gunjan’s relation was fixed even when they did not know her but if she tries to harm her sister even a little bit then it would be a really big problem for her.

Manmeet turns to leave when Choti asks what is the problem in getting the DNA test if she is telling the truth, Manmeet turning to Raj asks how many people does she have to fight today as she is really exhausted and cannot bear it anymore, she turning to Mr Yadav explains she really respects him which he also knows and is apologizing for anything wrong which has done, Manmeet leaves with her family.

Manmeet enters the house with Anmol and her family, recalling how Nikki exclaimed Manmeet is the wife of Rajkumar, and Anmol is their child, Nirali also exclaimed that their bad days started when Manmeet came to their life.
Puneet tries to call Manmeet, but Ajeet stops her, she replies she had never seen this side of Manmeet, Ajeet replies because she always saw her as their daughter but now she is a mother.

Manmeet sitting beside Amol is crying saying that she has for the first time felt that he is going to be taken away from her but she assures she would always be with him.

Anisha mentions now she feels it is time for them to leave since no one can answer her questions, Mr Yadav explains he is sorry for what happened today but she must give him one weeks time to correct the wrongs, Anisha however walks away without saying anything with her parents. Mr Yadav is apologizing while Rajkumar is tensed.

Precap: Puneet is in the house with Anmol when the guards of Mr Yadav forcefully enter the house, they demand Puneet to hand over Anmol. Vidya calls Manmeet requesting her to come back as some goons have entered the house.

Update Credit to: Sona

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