Falling in love again : Sai Joshi!! Part 29

The next morning,  Shivani and Rajeev were extremely excited and happy to begin the new phase of their life……Dadi Ma had called the Royal Priest who checked the horoscopes of the couple and suggested that next week Muhurat was the best for their wedding . So it was decided that they would have a low scale , intimate wedding and once they were back in Delhi they would host a reception for their friends.  After the Royal Priest left everyone started rushing and were worrying about he wedding.  At that time Vikram and Satvam suggested that since Shivani and Rajeev wanted an intimate wedding with only family Members why not have the wedding at their private villa.  Everyone agreed to this but Shivani seemed a little lost.  Sensing her quietness Mansi gently nudged her and asked her why was she so quiet all of a sudden. Shivani then told that since childhood she always dreamt of wedding her Prince Charming and her parents would do her Kanyadaan  but alas her parents were no longer alive and she just broke down. Sai immediately went to her and embraced her and told that she and Vikram would do her Kanyadaan if she had no problem to which she happily agreed .Vikram felt proud of his wife and everyone felt happy seeing Sai and Shivani bond. It was like that of two best friends.  Later that afternoon she requested Dadi Ma if she could invite The Chavan Parivaar as she wanted them to be a part of her happiness in spite of their worst behaviour with her . She wanted to show that she didn’t have low standards like them.

Dadi Ma agreed and announced this to everyone during the lunch everyone were shocked but understood the intention behind this. They all agreed. Later in the evening Shivani along with Rajeev went to the guest room where the Chavan Parivaar was staying . She knocked on the door. Ashwini opened the door and was shocked on seeing Shivani. Shivani asked her if they could step inside as they had come there for an important announcement.  Ashwini quickly stepped aside and asked them to come in. They sat on the sofa and everyone that is Ninad, Bhavani, Omkar, Sonali, Patralekha and her parents, Ashwini and Virat came . At that time Shivani told that she and Rajeev would be getting married next week and since the wedding was an intimate one and was going to be on a low scale , they would be going to the Villa of the Royal Family for the wedding. She came there to invite them for her wedding. Everyone felt that she forgave them but at that time she made it clear that she invited them as she didn’t want her parents souls to burn in pain watching that none of her siblings were present in her wedding.  She also told that they should not create any nuisance in her wedding and warned Patralekha and Virat that if they tried to harm Sai or any of the member of the Royal Family she would forget that they are related to her by blood and might end up doing something which they might not have even thought in their wildest dreams. The Chavan Parivaar agreed . Shivani and Rajeev left and were joined by Sai and Vikram who joined them while they were taking a walk in the garden. At that time Vikram announced that he had sent a message to the caretakers of the Villa to start the preparations of Shivani’s wedding. Shivani and Rajeev were blushing just like a teenage couple . Rajeev started throwing fully dialogues on Shivani and Shivani too quickly retorted. Sai and Vikram enjoyed their cute chemistry. 

All of a sudden Sai started feeling nauseous and ran back to the Palace leaving behind a flustered Vikram and Rajeev. Meanwhile Shivani who knew it was because of pregnancy ran behind Sai and patted on her back gently as Sai threw up.  Once she kinda felt better Shivani offered her water to drink and then told her to rest as she looked tired and that she should not be stressed during the pre wedding preparations.  Sai nodded like a child. Vikram and Rajeev entered the room and asked Sai if she was fine at that time Sai smiled faintly and told that it was due to pregnancy and it was normal. Vikram sighed a relief and asked if she was craving for something. Shivani and Rajeev left to give privacy to the couple.  Sai told that she didn’t want to eat anything as she kept feeling nauseous and threw up almost everything she ate. Vikram gently patted on her head and made sure she slept for a while and later went to Sayantani where he saw Satvam too.  Both Satvam and Sayantani were surprised to see Vikram in the kitchen as he hardly entered the kitchen.  Vikram asked Sayantani that if she knew about any medicine that would help reduce Sai’s vomiting and nausea sensation…..to which  Satvam told that he too had come to find out about something similar as Swathi refused to eat food due to vomiting and nausea.  Sayantani chuckled looking at both the brother’s and told that during pregnancy all this is normal and that they should not keep worrying about it. She even told that she had prepared Nimbu paani for her daughters and told that both the brothers should take care of their wives even more during this time as their wives would be undergoing a lot 0f changes in their body they would become moody too at times but they shouldn’t be ride to them . They should pamper them handle sure that they stay happy.  Both the brothers agreed and took Sayantani in a tight embrace.

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