Mera pyaar… Part 40 ( Hidden feelings and dinner date)

hello is the next episode. Hope you all like it.. please do comment on it. Hereafter this FF will be keep reading..😊


Kartik makes naira sit in front seat near him and he makes wear her the seatbelt so that she won’t fall and immediately sits in driver’s seat and starts driving the car fast..

Kartik:nairaa..if you aren’t well..then why did you come to college? Then why did you played with me? Now see.. anyways it’s waste to talk whatever happened… now first i should reach her home soon and make her rest and call ranveer.

Kartik drives the car fast but suddenly he stops the car in jerk seeing a huge roadblock and he gets down and goes near it..

Kartik:excuse me sir..we have to go this way.. what’s happening here?

Man:sir..due to engineer’s silly mistake in building materials…while building the construction ..the building collapsed suddenly and it blocked the whole road now..

Kartik gets shocked..

Kartik:ohh no..its there no way to go to phoenix street?

Man:sir..there is a way..but it takes long.. almost 2 hours as you know its mumbai. You can go that way..

Kartik:thank you sir..

Kartik rushes to car and gets shocked seeing naira shivering high and feels uncomfortable in car and he caresses her head..

Kartik:naira.. don’t worry..ill make you comfortable as soon as possible..

He drives the car tensed..

Kartik in mind:now what ill do? There is a huge traffic too..if i have to reach naira’s home it almost takes 4 hours i guess as everywhere there is traffic. I can’t take her to my house also as naksh and keerthi are how can i make rest?

He sees a hotel nearby and gets an idea and he immediately goes to the hotel and books a single room in receptionist and he carries naira to room and makes her lie on bed and covers her with bedsheet while naira slowly wakes up and looks around..


Kartik holds her hands and comforts her..

Kartik:na..tina.. don’t have high you fell unconscious. Moreover the road is blocked to your i brought you to hotel for you to take rest tonight.

Naira nods her head..

Kartik:tina…sleep will be alright tomorrow. If you need anything ask me..ill help you out.

Naira:i..iam..iam hungry..

Kartik: don’t worry..ill bring you the suitable food for you.

Kartik runs to nearby market and buys some herbs and he comes immediately to room and he makes a herbal soup with the help of electronic maker arranged by the room staff and he feeds to naira..

Kartik:tina..drink this.its a herbal soup. It’s very good for fever patients..

Naira makes a face..


Kartik:what yuck? Its good for your drink it. Ill feed you by telling some funny incidents so that you’ll drink it without concentrating on the taste.

Kartik feeds her sharing some funny incidents while naira drinks it laughing to his stories..

Suddenly she screams…


Kartik:Tina.. what happened?

Naira:it’’s so hot..

Kartik:ohh..iam sorry..ive been careless. Now I’ll give you carefully.

He blows air on soup and feeds her carefully in order that she doesn’t get hurt.

Once she finishes it he slowly makes her lie down and covers her with bedsheet..

Kartik:tina..sleep well..ill sleep on the couch. If you feel or want anything wake me up ok?


Kartik lies down to sleep while tina slowly smiles looking down at kartik..

Tina in mind:he is so caring and nice..

Slowly she falls asleep and once she falls asleep kartik calls ranveer and informs about it..

Ranveer:you did right kartik. Let her rest peacefully there..and also you shall sleep happily as your wife is nearer to you..

Kartik gets dull..

Kartik: she is near physically but..

Ranveer: don’t worry..she will soon recall her past and come back to you as your naira.

Kartik smiles ..

Kartik:ok..thank you for your support.

Ranveer:its my duty. By the way..if fever doesn’t reduce at morning then bring her to ss hospitals directly tomorrow.

Kartik:ok sure..

Ranveer:then take care..bye.

They cut the call and kartik sleeps..


Priya is taken to home after doctor discharges her..

Priya:maa..papa..can i see photos so that i may recall my past..

Mohini and moloy looks each other and they give the photograph where only priya is standing near mohini and moloy and they hide all photos where Anika’s pucture is there..

Moloy: beta.. see the photos at morning. Now go and sleep as it’s already 10:00 pm..

Priya sadly: i feel very empty myself. I want to remember my past back..

Mohini caresses Anika’s face and..

Mohini:dont worry beta..god will surely make you remember your past. So now don’t worry about it and spoil your health.. already now only you become fine after go and take rest.

Priya agrees and she keeps thr photos on site table and she sleeps lying on bed..

Mohini and moloy caresses her head and goes..

Mohini:hope anika doesn’t remembers her past. Let her live peacefully as priya..

Moloy:yeah..even i too hope so.


Jhanvi was sleeping earlier and suddenly she wakes up from bad dream and screams dor ram and ram comes there and holds her in fear..

Ram:maa..maa..are you ok? What happened..

Jhanvi pants her breath and: beta..beta i..i saw a bad dream..i got a dream where i was dead.

Ram tries to console her.

Ram:maa..its just a dream. Don’t take it seriously..

Jhanvi: parents have told that if someone gets death dreams then its a bad iam scared. Before something happens i want to conduct your and Anika’s engagement sooner as soon as possible.

Ram gets shocked..

Ram:maa.. please don’t bother about dreams. Dreams are just dreams.. whoever told about dreams will become reality are ancient people so they believe supertitious beliefs…you just don’t believe them.

Jhanvi: whatever!! Ill be satisfied only if i see you both engaged. Ill talk to Anika’s parents Mohini and moloy tomorrow and fix the engagement this week. You talk to Anika and give her a happy news..

Jhanvi goes while ram is stunned and calls bani..


Bani sits on bed smiling..

Bani in mind: today i can sleep so happily as i spended time with veer nicely..

She smiles seeing the pic taken that day..

Bani: hope no evil eye cast on our love..

She offs the phone and keeps the phone nearby and lies down to sleep and suddenly her phone rings and ot shows as ram and she gets irritated..

Bani in mind:now why is this guy Calling me at this time?

Bani attends the call..

Bani:hello..what do you want mr. Ram kapoor?

Ram tells something and bani gets stunned hearing it..


Maudi and sirat are seen tensed in their home…

Maudi: sirat time is 10:30 pm and still Tina beta dint reach call her and ask if she is safe.

Sirat:yes..ill do that maudi.

She takes her phone to call Tina but ranveer comes there on time and..

Ranveer:no need to call Tina… sirat. I know where is she..she is safe only.

Maudi:then why dint she come home yet beta?

Ranveer tells the happening while sirat and maudi gets shocked..

Maudi:poor little girl..hope she gets fine soon. Ill prepare some medicinal food for her tomorrow.

Sirat: she is lucky to get such a caring husband. Hope she remembers her past and reconciles with him.

Ranveer:i too hope so.

Maudi goes in while ranveer pulls sirat closer..

Sirat:ouch.. what are you doing ranveer? Its sleeping time and you are eager to romance..

Ranveer: what to do darling? We dint get time to romance at all nowadays..either you get busy with boxing practice or i get busy with patients orelse problems surrounds us…now only we got some

Sirat:so you want to steal some romantic time..

Ranveer: ofcourse my sweetheart..

Sirat:but maudi..

Maudi comes and smiles..

Maudi:iam going to watch tv drama now..sirat you are so boring gf..go and spend some time with ranveer and come.

Maudi goes while ranveer smiles..

Ranveer:even grandma is better than you in understanding love miss.sirat shekhawat.

Sirat gets angry and pushes him away..

Sirat:then why are you loving me if you find my love un understanding? Go and marry other girl..

Ranveer immediately kisses her cheeks and..


Ranveer:arrey my angry queen..i just joked. I know how you immensely love me.. don’t get angry and spoil our romantic time.

Sirat smiles and hugs him..

Sirat:i dint wish to spoil our time..i just pranked my anger.

Ranveer:you and your pranks!!

They both laugh and have good time together..


Naksh and keerthi are seen tensed in kartik’s house..

Naksh: why dint kartik reach yet? Where could he go without informing us?

Keerthi:lets call him and ask…

Keerthi calls kartik and kartik takes the call yawning..


Keerthi:bhai..where are you? Why dint you reach home yet?

Kartik in mind:i should lie now..i forget to inform Keerthi about not returning to home..

Kartik: actually..keerthi..i and my friends are going for meeting in nearby i won’t come tonight. We are staying in a hotel. Will come tomorrow morning..

Keerthi :ohh..ok bhai. Carry on..

She cuts the call and informs naksh..

Naksh: sudden change in kartik. Till now he was not moving on from naira..

Keerthi:maybe he changed himself as he would have realised that naira won’t be happy if he isn’t happy.

Naksh:you are right. But even i miss my sissy so much..

He gets dull recalling her while keerthi consoles and suddenly keerthi’s phone rings and she attends..


Aditya:hai are you?

Keerthi:aditya? How dare you call me? Don’t you know our warning?

Aditya:i know it..but before you take step.. I’ll take my step forward. I know you haven’t told about our relation’s truth to your family yet.

Keerthi:its my decision..i don’t want to give them more heartbreak as my sister in law just died some months ago.

Aditya:you won’t give heartbreak but i will give them heartbreak. I will tell them that you and naksh are having an affair and you are ditching me though i plead you..

Keerthi gets stunned..

Keerthi:are you an idiot? Who will believe it? Everyone knows that i and naksh are friends..

Aditya sends her the photo he took on restaurant which in which they are close..

Aditya:see this pic.. won’t they believe me now? Your family trusts absolutely they will believe me.

Keerthi gets shocked while aditya smirks..


At midnight kartik and naira are sleeping in their place and suddenly someone opens the main dpor through other key and a black hoodie guy enters while naira opens her eyes and gets shocked seeing him..

Naira in you? di..di you ent..enter?

The guy comes closer while naira screams.. don’t come near me..go away please..

The guy holds naira’s hands aside and he comes more closer in an intimate way and naira screams..


Suddenly she wakes up from dream scared and she looks around and sweats..

Naira in a dream?

Suddenly she hears footsteps and gets scared and shouts..


Kartik wakes up in jerk hearing her scream and he immediately runs to her and sees her scared ..

Kartik:na..tina.. what happened? Are you ok?

Naira hugs kartik and cries..

Naira:ia..iam scared kartikk..

Kartik: what happened tina?

Tina tells her dream and her sound of hearing footsteps while kartik caresses her and holds her face and wipes her tears..

Kartik: don’t get scared tina..its just a dream.. nothing will happen to you and no one will come to harm you. Iam there don’t worry. Sleep peacefully.

Tina:no..i..iam really scared kartik..i i heared footsteps.. please be there near me.. please don’t go from here..iam really scared.

Kartik:tina.. but..

Tina: don’t worry..i know about you..i trust you. Please don’t leave me and go..iam really scared.

Kartik:acha.. don’t worry..ill be there with you. Now sleep..

Tina hugs him tightly and rests her head on kartik’s chest while kartik holds her and caresses her head giving her comfortable vibe..

Kartik in mind: are stressed and unwell too..ill make sure you rest well. I won’t let even a single drop of tears from your eyes and nor i will protect you and care for you always. This is my promise..

Naira sleeps smiling while kartik too sleeps holding her..


Mishti comes to the place where abir called her and she sees everything dark..

Mishti in mind:is abir khadoos? Why did he asked me to come to a place which is looking like a ghost’s forest? by the way..where is he first?

Mishti shouts:abirr…abirr..where are you?

Suddenly the the place becomes visble as the decorative lights are on and mishti gets suprised seeing the decorated place along with a single dining table..

Abir comes there and..

Abir:how is my suprise mishti? I planned to make our first date

Before he completes the sentence mishti runs and hugs him happily while Abir too smiles and reciprocates..

Mishti:i..i never expected such a beautiful suprise abir..its so beautiful..thank you so much for planning our first date.

Abir: anything for my love. Ok.. come lets dine together..

Abir and mishti feeds each other romantically..

Then they roam around the place holding each other hands..

Abir:you know what..i came to this place many times but for first time i feel this place special..


Abir: because i had a special moment with my special person here..

Abir smiles at mishti and mishti blushes..

Mishti: this place will always be special for me too..


Mishti: because its my first dinner date with my bf. Always first place where we spend something special is always special..

They both smile and they join their hands and make a heart..

Abir: this is our heart..our love..

Mishti: our fate.. we will be always together holding our hands and heart like this.

Abir:yes.. now come lets sway to music. What’s the date without dance?

Mishti:why not?

They both enjoy dancing to ishq wala love..

Surkh wala, sauz wala, Faiz wala love
Hota hai jo love se jyada waise wala love
Ishq wala love

Hua jo dard bhi toh humko aaj kuch zyada hua
Ishq wala love
Ye kya hua hai kya khabar yehi pata hai zyada hua
Ishq wala love
Agar ye usko bhi hua hai phir bhi mujhko zyada hua
Ishq wala love

Meri neend jaise pehli baar tooti hai
Aankhein mal ke dekhi hai maine subah
Hui dhoop zyada leke teri roshni din chadha
Ishq wala love

Jhanke badalon ki jaali ke peechhe se
Kare chandani ye mujhko ittala
Leke noor sara chand mera yahin pe hai chhupa chhupa hua
Ishq wala love

Hua jo dard bhi toh humko aaj kuch zyada hua
Ishq wala love
Ye kya hua hai kya khabar yehi pata hai zyada hua
Ishq wala love
Agar ye usko bhi hua hai phir bhi mujhko zyada hua
Ishq wala love

Kyon na aise hota
Jo milte tum ho jaate gum saath mere
Hote hote hoga samjhaye hum
Tham jaa aye tham O dil mere
Toota jaata jaata taara jab gira
Zara zyada zyada maangu dil tera
Kabhi zyada zyada maane na dil ye sarphira
Ishq wala love

Bada ye dil nadaan tha, par aaj kuch zyada hua
Ishq wala love
Jo khone ka tha dar tujhe pata nahi kyu zyada hua
Ishq wala love

Hua jo dard bhi toh humko aaj kuch zyada hua
Ishq wala love
Ye kya hua hai kya khabar yehi pata hai zyada hua
Ishq wala love
Agar ye usko bhi hua hai phir bhi mujhko zyada hua
Ishq wala love

Surkh wala, sauz wala, Faiz wala love
Hota hai jo love se jyada waise wala love
Ishq wala love (x2)

Then they spend some romantic time together and goes back..

PRECAP:- kartik encourages Tina. Aditya stuns Goenkas. Bani agrees to Ram’s request. Priya aka anika dreams ram. Rohit gets shocked.

The post Mera pyaar… Part 40 ( Hidden feelings and dinner date) appeared first on Telly Updates.

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